Sharing knowledge across boundaries.

Surjeet Chauhan, Village – VikramBaag, Nohradhar, Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh.


Surjeet Singh Chauhan

Surjeet Singh Chauhan, a dynamic and passionate farmer from Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh, has been cultivating garlic for over 12 years. Guided by a keen understanding of market trends, he chose garlic for its high profitability and strong demand. His unwavering commitment to quality has distinguished him not only within his village but also in the larger market.

Since collaborating with Yara, Surjeet has successfully doubled his garlic production while significantly improving its quality. By adopting modern agricultural technologies, he has managed to reduce production costs without compromising on excellence. Surjeet's innovative methods and dedication to superior farming practices have made him a prominent and inspiring figure in the agricultural community.