Choose between SNCR and SCR technology during the construction of a new NOx control system

If you need to reduce NOx emissions in an existing plant where there is currently no NOx control system installed, Yara can help you assess the best possible technique given the:

  • Combustion process
  • Operating parameters
  • NOx levels in the flue chimneys
  • Level of NOx reduction to be achieved, according to the IPPC regulation or the Industrial Emissions Directive.

In addition to advice on the NOx reagent type best suited to your process, Yara can help you decide if an SNCR, SCR or hybrid technology will best suit your needs in NOx reduction.

Geet Talreja
Geet Talreja
Senior Sales Manager

Choose between SNCR and SCR when building a system to reduce NOx

Secondary measures to control emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from plants can be done either with SNCR (selective non-catalytic reduction) or SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction). SNCR and SCR are both technologies used for NOx control. However, choosing which solution is not always so easy.

If you need to reduce NOx emissions in an existing plant where there is currently no NOx control system installed, we can help you assess the best possible technique given your combustion process, the operating parameters of NOx levels in the flue chimneys and level of NOx reduction to be achieved.

Based on a technical evaluation of your facility and taking into consideration your CAPEX and OPEX, our experts can design, build and install a NOxCare SNCR, SCR or hybrid bespoke systems for you. We can also advise on the type of reducing agent to use.

As a global leader with more than 200 installations, we are the ideal partner to equip plants requiring SNCR or hybrid SNCR / SCR NOx control systems.

Please contact our NOxCare experts for more information.

Learn more about the different types of NOxCare reagents used in SNCR and SCR systems, as well as their specific storage and handling.

Reduce costs and improve your system’s efficiency

Whatever your current strategy for NOx treatment is, it is possible to solve these challenges. We can help you assess your process to reduce NOx and advise you on how to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of your installation.

Measuring the combustion, flue gases and NOx emissions of your NOx reduction system

Our experts will evaluate your current system and analyse your combustion and your level of NOx reduction. A mobile testing unit allows them to:

  • Gather information about your combustion process.
  • Assess your level of emissions and measure the flow of your chimney flue.
  • Apply temporary corrective actions to your existing NOx treatment system.

From simulations and the results of their assessment, NOxCare experts are able to optimise your existing nitrogen oxides reduction system. The NOx emission levels will be reduced efficiently and consumption of NOx reducing agent will be optimised to ensure maximum performance without over-injection, thus reducing reagent costs.

If you are interested in a technical control analysis to optimise the reduction of NOx, please contact our NOxCare experts.

Learn more about SNCR and SCR systems and gain more information on the NOx reducing agents – urea solution.

Upgrading your NOx control system to optimise your operating costs or to meet new legislation (IPPC Directive and Industrial Emissions Directive)

As new standards on emissions of NOx are introduced, it may be that your current measures to reduce NOx cannot respond to these changes in legislation. From 2016 onwards, the Industrial Emissions Directive, will be implemented.

Maybe you have installed NOx control equipment that can no longer meet the new standards? Maybe you also have difficulties in obtaining spare parts for this system, or they have become more expensive? These problems can be overcome by upgrading your current system with the latest technologies.

As a global leader in SNCR installations, we can evaluate and measure the ability of your systems to reduce NOx and then recommend how your system can be upgraded to improve performance. Upgrading your system means:

  • Replacing or upgrading parts of the original equipment to optimise the flow of the reducing agent.
  • Upgrading computer programmes to improve the functionality of the system.
  • Replacing electronic systems that are no longer sold by the original manufacturer with new technology.

For more information on technical control and the potential upgrade of your system to reduce NOxCare experts.

NOxCare UK Production and Supply points

Yara Porsgrunn
  • Billingham
  • Bury St. Edmunds
  • Dagenham
  • Immingham
  • Seaham
  • York